Church Assembly
Religion has always been a central part of New Piasa Chautauqua and that tradition continues today. Contemplation, prayer, worship, spirituality, and good works make up the fabric of a intentional community like Chautauqua. The Chapel is located toward the front of the grounds near the playground and serves as the central hub of spirituality in the valley. The Chautauqua Church Assembly maintains this building and offers worship services every Sunday to all denominations. Guest ministers along with an annual Resident minister conduct the weekly services. Simultaneously Sunday School is offered to youth from ages 3-10, teens, and for the very young free baby sitting is provided.
Additionally times and locations of study and worship are: the weekly Bible Study, Men's Breakfast and Discussion, and evening Vespers.
The annual Resident Minister, Clint McCann lives on the grounds and amongst us sharing in our daily activities. Clint is an Evangelical Professor of Biblical Interpretation at the Eden Theological Seminary, and his wife Sarah is a pastor at Hope UCC in St. Louis.
Chairman Jim Roberts
Secretary Mary Roberts
Treasurer Frances Young
Volunteers Mary Charlton
Church Building and
Events Facilitator Bren Deffenbaugh
Volunteers, Historian Bob Edmunds
Sunday School Curriculum/
Program Facilitator Miriam Hendrickson
Parsonage Sue Laffler
Guest Speakers/Ministers David Stevenson